Felling a tree is a rather simple process compared to removing the stump left behind. As much as most DIY homeowners can hack a tree until it falls, most of them are technically challenged when it comes removing the stump. If you reside in an area like Clarksville, the best thing you can do is to go tree service. With that in mind, here are some common stump removal methods.

Manual stump removal

Stump Manual stump removal or removal by hand is a process that is applied on a small or rotting stump. Ideally, manual stump removal is carried out using tools like digging bars and axes. Manual stump removal methods are all about hacking the roots to free the stump. This process can be time-consuming and laborious. Alternatively, you might consider hooking the stump to a truck and pulling it. Though these two methods are applied are applied on small stumps, using a truck to pull it is less time-consuming that hacking and manual pulling.

Grinding methods

Grinding methods are highly recommended when removing stumps. It is a cheap and effective. As such, when considering this option, the best thing to do is to walk with a professional. If you believe that you can do the grinding by yourself, you need to hire a grinder and handle it by yourself. However, grinding the tree by your own can be time-consuming and risky especially if you do not have the experience to handles jobs of this nature.

Using chemicals

Stumps can also be removed by chemical means. This is also considered a cost-effective method of removing stumps in your yard. You need to ensure you use the right chemical and apply it in the right areas. After employing the compound, wait for some time before the stump breaks down. Once the stump turns spongy, you can proceed at remove it manually or pull it using a truck.

BurningStump 2

Burning is a viable alternative when it comes to clearing stumps in your backyard. It is also used in an area where grinders cannot be employed. However, for all parts of the stump to burn, you need to ensure that it is dry and there are drilled home to ensure all parts of the stump burn.

Tree stumps ruin the aesthetics of any lawn. They also pose a significant danger to children playing around. They can also harbor pests leading to serious infestation. With this in mind, you have every reason to cut down any stump in your yard.

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